Were the Founding Fathers atheists?

    Pedro posted an article claiming that the founding fathers were not Christian, that they were deists, and that they WOULD have been atheists if they had had modern science. Here was my response:

    The founding fathers were NOT Christian. Big deal. Christians shouldn’t care. The governing authorities in Jesus’ time sure did not care about him.

    The founding fathers were deists, but would NOT have been atheists, because the question of where original variety (information) in the universe came from is not answered. With no original variety, gravity could not have caused the collapse of mass into stars and solar systems, etc. So where did this original information/variety come from? Their answer would have been “deism”.

    Most theists (including the ones in this string of comments) are not rational. But Jesus did not teach anything like most theists. He never would have encouraged war, violence, or banning scientific research. JESUS would never start a war. By contrast, the statement that atheists and deists did not start wars is obviously untrue. The founding fathers were DEISTS, and who do you think started the revolutionary war?

    BTW, Subjective “miracles” are not proof of anything.

    I am not 100% certain of anything, but I don’t live by certainties, I live by reasonable probabilities.

    I am a theist. I am Christian.

    Christianity is a form of panENtheism, which is a form of pantheism. Pantheism is not anti-theism. Pantheism holds that God = Reality.

    PanENtheism additionally holds that the visible universe is not the entirety of Reality. God = Reality, but Reality is bigger than 20 billion light years of space. This is scientific fact; the MHI of quantum physics states this.

    Christianity furthermore states that REALITY is personal. This is the sticking point; this is the hard one to accept.

    -micah redding