Satan a Snake? Angels are Dragons? Old Testament Word and The Secrets of the Bible

    I was doing a little browsing and stumbled onto some weird facts that, to me anyway, were rather shocking.

    1) The Nephilim. In Genesis 6, these are the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". This word is usually translated "giants", as it is in Numbers 13:33. But the word actually just derives from "nephal", meaning "fallen". The Nephilim were simply "the fallen ones".

    2) The Serpent. The serpent was more cunning than the beasts of the field, and tempted Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When she did so, her eyes were opened, and she could discern good and evil. Interesting thing is, the word "serpent" here is the EXACT same word for "foretelling the future, divination, prophesying" or "discerning". So, the DISCERNER (serpent) was more DISCERNING (cunning) than the beasts, and tempted Eve to eat of the Tree of DISCERNING (knowledge of) Good and Evil. See a pattern?

    3) The Seraphim. The Seraphim are described in Isaiah 6:1-6 as beings immensely close to the glory of God, whose sole purpose is to display that glory. They have six wings, two to cover their eyes, two to cover their feet, two to fly with. I always imagined them as humans, and they were always described as being at the very top of the different orders of angels (seraphim, cherubim, archangels, angels, etc).

    Interesting thing is, the word "seraphim" means literally "fiery serpent", and is translated that way in most locations, including Numbers 21:6-8 and Deuteronomy 8:15. So, we have "fiery serpents" with wings...hmmm. Sounds to me like dragons.

    So the seraphim are not some "angelic" human beings with wings. Instead, they are huge, fiery, six-winged dragons. Wow...weird.

    And that may be connected back to the serpent in the garden of Eden. The serpent (assuming it was something like a seraphim), would have been a glorious dragon accustomed to flying. And as his punishment, he had to crawl on the ground, no longer flying or walking.
