Micah Redding

Software Developer & international speaker on Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and the future of humanity


Micah Redding is a software developer, founder and Executive Director of the Christian Transhumanist Association, and host of the Christian Transhumanist Podcast. He grew up as a preacher's kid, spent eight years as a rock musician, and has traveled extensively, to places such as Kathmandu, Afghanistan, and the coasts of Africa. In 2012, he found himself in Tahrir Square during the first election after the Egyptian revolution.

As a software developer, he has worked with startups to strategically lay the groundwork for open-ended growth, led development on multi-million dollar web products, and helped larger companies dramatically accelerate their development process.

Micah lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where he coordinates vibrant inter-religious dialogue, cutting-edge art events, and public conversations on the technological singularity and the future of the human race. He is a member of Mensa, a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post and Vice Motherboard, and a speaker for TEDx and numerous other events.



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